Sunday, April 5, 2015

12 police officers get bail..‘Pouring hot water on detained suspect’

THE 12 police officers allegedly involved in pouring hot water on a detained suspect at the Sangre Grande Police Station in late February, and who were arrested by officers of the Professional Standards Bureau last Sunday, were granted station bail on Friday night.
They are all expected to appear before a Sangre Grande magistrate on Tuesday morning.
Nine officers were charged earlier this week with misbehaviour in public office, one for attempted misbehaviour in public office, one for failing to act and one for perverting the course of justice. 
The charges arose out of an incident that took place at the Sangre Grande Police Station in February where it is alleged that a detainee was beaten and boiling water poured on him.
Among the officers charged are an acting inspector, a sergeant, an SRP sergeant, three acting corporals and six constables (including one WPC).
The arrests of the police officers which occurred on March 29 stemmed from an incident involving Andrew Lewis from Boystown, Sangre Grande, who gave himself up to police at the Sangre Grande station on February 25 for questioning in a house-breaking and larceny matter.
Present during his interrogation were an acting inspector, an acting corporal, two police constables and a woman constable.
The Sunday Express was told that Lewis refused to budge when questioned about the alleged crime involving the theft of a weed whacker and it was alleged that certain police officers then stripped Lewis, heated a bowl of water in a microwave oven and threw the boiling water on his lower extremities and stomach.

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